TAP™ Advanced Command Trainer Target

Advanced Command Trainer Target
The TAP™ Advanced Command Trainer Target provides an excellent tool for pitchers to develop the skills necessary to consistently execute pitches within the strike zone. The Command Trainer does this by providing an incredibly useful feedback system that involves clear goals with tangible results.
The training concept for utilizing the TAP™ Advanced Command Trainer Target is deceptively simple while being brutally difficult. The pitcher is required to make his best pitches at optimum velocity with accuracy. The feedback is instant; either the target on the Command Trainer is hit or missed with every pitch, which provides an immediate and crystal-clear result.
It is well established that the means by which an athlete receives feedback can have a significant impact on how well the athlete learns and performs. A basketball player knows right away if a shot is made and the feedback is instant allowing for immediate adjustments. Pitchers need immediate feedback as well in order to make any necessary adjustments to their next pitch.
The TAP™ Advanced Command Trainer provides the pitcher an opportunity to use three of his 5 senses to develop command:
- Visual (seeing the ball hit/miss the target)
- Auditory (hearing the ball hit the target)
- Touch (as they develop/perfect pitch execution)
This sensory feedback tells the pitcher how well or poorly he is doing and can be essential to continued improvement and subsequent pitch mastery.
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