Gill Athletics Implement certification Kits

Implement certification Kits
Official-friendly Gill Implement Certification Kit, officials can be assured that each implement meets specifications. Labeled tabs help you quickly find the right sized gauge. A larger base on the hammer gauge means increased stability. This self-contained unit includes a scale and depending on model, checks the specifications for the discus, javelin, shot put, and hammer. The gauges and labels are laser cut stainless steel for extreme accuracy and permanency.
93050 High School Kit
(1K, 1.6K discuses; 4k, 12lb shot put)
93065 High School Javelin Kit
(all javelin competitions)
93075 NCAA Kit
(1K, 2K discuses; 4k, 16lb shot put; 4k, 16lb hammer; all javelin competitions)
93080 World Athletics Kit
(1k, 1.5k, 1.75k, 2k, discuses; 4k, 5k, 6k, 16lb shot put and hammer; all javelin competitions)
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