Bison Wireless Shot Clock System

Wireless Shot Clock System
Coming to a High School near you…In April 2021, the Basketball Rules Committee of the National Federation of State High School Associations authorized State Associations to adapt 35 second shot clock usage beginning in the 2022-2023 seasons. Shot clocks have long been standard in NBA, Collegiate, and International competition.
Bison’s stand-alone wireless shot clocks require no expensive wiring, just 110-volt outlets for each clock and controller. The controller sends the wireless signal from the scorer’s table to the clock’s mounted on backboard structures, walls, or free-standing pedestals on the floor. These wireless units do not interface with the scoreboard and are operated independently.
12″ high bright red LED countdown numerals are built into a sturdy 19″ wide x 15″ high black sheet metal cabinet with integrated antennae. The operator control panel is compact, easy to operate and intuitive for accurate and dependable shot clock management
with minimal operator training.
SHCLK200 is intended for high school use but could be used for other levels of play as the control panel comes factory preset at 35 second countdown but can be reprogrammed in the field to meet other shot clock timing requirements. A shot clock reset button is factory set at the NFHS recommended 20-second reset for kicked ball or other reset rules but cannot be reprogrammed to other reset times.
System includes two shot clocks, control panel, integrated antennae and 30′ 110 volt extension plugs for each. No special wiring is
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